Volume - 3, Issue - 12
No. | Title and Author | Area | Country | Page | Citations |
1 | Study and Design of Protection wall against Sea erosion at Survada coast line of Valsad District -Mayur B. Patel ; Kuldip B Patel; Jay J. Patel |
1-5 | |||
2 | Generation of Database and GUI in Shape Matching Technique -Prof. Vikram M. Kakade ; Ms. Aishwarya R. Kothale; Mr. Tejash E. Gurjar |
6-9 | |||
3 | Various Sensor Used In Robotics With Applications -Ms.Vidya Ghoderao ; Prof.Vikram M.Kakade; Ms.Gayatri R.Pawar |
10-14 | |||
4 | Design and Modification of Green Building Aspect at Jilla Sevasadan, Vyara -Vikas H. Patel ; Kuldip B Patel |
15-20 | |||
5 | Advanced Civil engineering Optimization by Artificial Intelligent Systems: Review -Bharanidhar.T.S ; Dr.J.premalatha |
21-23 | |||
6 | Space Exploration Rover using LABVIEW -P.Thirumurugan ; S.Arunrajan; S.Nagaarjun; K.Prakash; R.Sivamanikandan |
24-31 | |||
7 | Sensor Fault Identification in Complex Systems -K. Ezhilarasi ; S. Subathra; JS. Kruthika; K. Hemapriyadharshini |
32-38 | |||
8 | Model Based Analysis of Temperature Process under Various Control Strategies -Christy Arokia Rani. A ; Karthik Selvan. A; Lohachandar. M; Ramkumar. K; Sakthivel. S |
39-42 | |||
9 | Design a Two Stage Grid Connected PV Systems with Constant Power Generation and Input Output Linearizer Controller -B. Noorul Hamitha ; S.Rajavinitha; K.Lavanya |
43-47 | |||
10 | 3-Axial Automated Bowling Arm -Sivapughalventhan. V ; Suhith. S; Syed Ahamad Raza Saqqaf. M; Udhayakumar. S; Mrs. Eazhisai Vallabi. M |
48-52 |
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